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glide slope 滑翔斜率,滑翔道。

glide vehicle

The studying on the mechanism of beiyin main channel gliding slope heilongjiang beiyin project lies in the west of heilongjiang which lies the center of nenjiang . geographical location is east longitude 124 - 126 ? and north latitude 46 - 48 ? . aims of the project are providing water to petrol and chemical industry of daqing and living water . at the same time it is also a big comprehensive conducting water project without dam which resolves 24 irrigation regions of beiyin using water along beiyin 黑龍江省北部引嫩工程位于黑龍江省西部,地處嫩江中游左岸的松嫩平原腹地,地理位置在東經126度128度,北緯46度48度之間。該工程以滿足大慶石油和化工生活用水為主,同時解決沿途24個分灌渠用水的綜合性大型無壩引水工程。

The method can eliminate the conventional fuzzy control system ' s steady - state errors and flutters . and , the method of forward feed control is used to reduce the tracing errors during glide slope phase 在此基礎上,采用帶優化修正函數無量化的模糊控制方法,設計飛機的微波著陸控制系統,并進行了閉環仿真。

General specification for instrument landing system glide slope facility erceiver 儀表著陸系統ils下滑信標接收機通用規范

General specification for instrument landing system glide slope facility 儀表著陸系統ils下滑信標通用規范

Performance requirements and test methods for ils glide slope receiver 下滑信標接收機性能要求和測試方法